
Friday, July 26, 2019

Understanding the Advantages and Disadvantages of Bus Topology

Advantages and Disadvantages of Bus Topology

Advantages and Disadvantages of Bus Topology | In the world of computer networks we know the term network topology, where the type of network topology itself varies. One type of network topology that is often used is the bus topology. What is the bus topology? To explain what bus topology is, on this occasion the Utopicomputer will provide an overview of the understanding and function of bus topology complete with the advantages and disadvantages of the bus topology itself. Ok, rather than linger, let's start from the understanding of Bus network topology.

Understanding Bus Topology 

Bus topology is a method for connecting two or more computers serially, using the main cable as the center of data traffic. Connectors used in bus topologies include BNC and T connector connectors and terminators, while for bus topology transmission media using Coaxial cable. This topology shape is similar to the bus room for this topology model called the bus topology. The physical characteristics that you can see in the bus topology are the existence of a single cable that is used as a traffic center and is equipped with BNC connectors, T connectors at each node and terminator at the end of the main cable.

Bus Topology Function 

The function of the bus topology itself is almost the same as the function of other network topologies, namely connecting two or more computers in order to be able to communicate to exchange data.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Bus Topology

1. Advantages of Bus Network Topology 

  • Easy to make 
  • Has a simple layout 
  • It costs a little to make it 
  • Easily developed without disturbing other network devices

2. Disadvantages of Bus Network Topology  

  • If a disturbance occurs, it will be difficult to detect the damage. 
  • There is often a density of data traffic on the main line. 
  • If the main line is damaged, the entire network will be paralyzed 
  • Requires a repeater to strengthen the signal

Bus Topology Characteristics

  • Network installation can be done easily
  • There is a main cable that functions as the data traffic center 
  • Each node will be connected serially and the terminator will be installed to close the main cable 
  • The cost of building a bus topology is very cheap 
  • Data packets sent will often experience intersections in one cable 
  • Requires BNC connector, T Conector on each network card 
  • There is often a density of data traffic on the main cable 
  • If there is damage to one node, the network will be paralyzed

That is a review of the function and understanding of bus topology complete with advantages and disadvantages of the bus topology itself. Hopefully the above reviews can be useful for computer friends wherever they are. See you again at the next computer technology review

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