
Thursday, March 14, 2019

Saves Fuel By Using Internet

Saves Fuel By Using Internet

Saves Fuel By Using Internet - Fuel prices keep rising. The cost of our lives more severe due to increased transportation costs. However, it turns out there are ways to get around this. Based on the story written in, “With the Internet, saving fuel Rp. 6.6 Million Per Year “, was a New Zealand citizen can outsmart the increase in transportation costs is by way of using the Internet.

How to practice? The practice in fact is a way to change your activities which usually require you to travel physically, becoming an online activity using the Internet.

Examples are in fact changing our routine activities to the Bank with the Internet Banking. If usually we have to take a vehicle into a branch office of Bank to conduct banking transactions, is no longer necessary transportation. You simply click on the site of the Bank, and perform banking transactions from home. No need to pay for fuel. Currently the banking transactions that can be done online is a Bill Payment, Funds Transfer, Purchase Toll Telephone, Bank Cheque mutation, and may still have some other features not mentioned here.

In fact, today the internet has provided many facilities for you. For example, to chat with friends, you can use Yahoo Messager / MSN / Google Talk. To purchase items you can visit sites Online Shopping. You can write all the contents of your thoughts on Blogger and find friends who have the same hobby with you. And many more facilities which you can find on the Internet.

By leveraging the Internet to replace the daily activities, residents of New Zealand to save transportation costs up to Rp. 6.6 million, – per year. This will very helpful for you who live in big cities, where to travel a lot you need spend transportation costs because far and jams.
And one thing more interesting. Due to rising fuel prices, all goods prices also rose. Uh, apparently not all loh. There are goods whose prices declined. What is it? Internet Access! Your cost for Internet access has decreased because of the cheapening of the cost of leasing network.

Based on news dilangsir by LigaGame, in this June, the Internet rates fell 40%. This price decrease due to the cheapening of the cost of leasing network owned by PT. Telkom Tbk as the largest Internet network provider in Indonesia.

Unfortunately, this price reduction applies to Internet Service Providers (ISP) or your ISP. Not the price directly to end-users like you. However, because the capital cost for ISPs to provide Internet services has decreased, then the ISP itself will lower the price to about 20-40% Customer. So that later you can skate on the Internet with a cheaper price.

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